Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 124

The photo above is the wall we made under the basement stair couple of weeks ago. We thought this is the last wall we need to make in this house. What were we thinking?! One side of the stair would be a storage area. The other side would be a living area.... it will be a project after few years, though. So we needed to have a actual wall to divide storage and this future living area. After all work we did few weeks ago, here comes us taking this a part, and rebuild this wall that reach to the ceiling like the photo below.上の写真は何週間か前にこれで室内の壁完成!と思って作った地下室の階段下の壁。いったい何を考えていたのか。この壁で片側は物置,もう片側は何年かじゅうに完成させる予定も未定の住居スペースとを分ける。ので、この壁は天井までつながってないとあかんやん。と言うことでここにきて斜めの壁を取り壊し,作り直し。
We got heating and cooling air duct in several spot. Most of the place in the U.S. have central heating system. Not like Japan that have air-conditioning in each room, or stick everybody's feet in one heated table covered with blanket called Kotatsu, we will have two big air-conditioning one for up stairs, the other one for 1st floor and basement. Kotatsu sounds stinky, but I think it gives a nice Japanese winter taste in the room. In this season, some people become like a hermit crab, only live in the area that you are be able to reach your hand from your body in this Kotatsu.
Water pipes organized. It looks like strange bug. In front of the wall we made today, we will have washer and dryer. It looks like a funny face worm.
水道パイプが整理されて,虫のような姿に。今日作った壁の前には洗濯機と乾燥機を設置するので,そのためのパイプも通った。バカボンにでてくる毛虫みたいなんこんなんじゃなかったけ?By the way, this is Kotatsu. You can eat, you can sleep. You don't even need to move.
Some train in cold region turn into Kotatsu train.

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