Sunday, January 22, 2012

Kiln is ready!

Quick update since I am so happy I hooked up kiln today. Thanks for the Lillstreet Art Center where I did residency artist for 2 years. When I leave Lillstreet they gave me this kiln, and small test kiln which I haven't hooked up, and kiln shelves. This is my own kiln!!! I am so glad I can start fire soon. I just order kiln posts. So When we come back from France, my work would be all dry and all ready to go!!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I know there are millions of people waiting for this blog to update....? Here we go. FInally we moved! We finished painting guest room, living room, both floor bathrooms, dining room, kitchen, and entrance. We still have some rooms to paint. We still have some cabinets to install. However we couldn't wait anymore. We only have OSB floor, but it's not too bad actually. We are more happy to have our own place! The last big project before we moved in was install this fining room fan, and paint wall above the stair. Sheetrock guy let us keep the staff folding for a while to finish this last project. John came over to help install this. We used 6' extension pipe. But it is nice and steady to run now.
We set our little room in this guest room. I never had red room, but this is pretty cool. From outside you almost get a feeling like you live in the city, and look into somebody's apartment. It is very comfortable room.
Also I set my studio in the basement. I haven't hook up the kiln, but at least we brought it here. It was a big step. Now cats have this whole house. But they like to hung out with me all day in this basement. They looks happy. They don't even pay attention to the cat toy anymore.
I like this kitchen color too. In some reason, we mess up the kitchen cabinets. I thought we measured 5 times before we ordered, but we needed to change some cabinets to make it work. So it is still on going. This refrigerator is very very close to the door. But at least we can barely open this door... This light is actually for the study room in upstairs, but it is so cute in here. It is still missing a lots of things. We put pieces of OSB as a counter top. We don't have a stove yet, but we have rice cooker, and slow cooker we got for this Christmas present.
We got these comfy sofas from Bob and Marilyn for the living room. We got these bits of pieces of rags from them too. Now we have a run away from guest room to first floor bathroom to this living room. Bathroom will be a tile room, but for now it is light green room. We took a jag zee last night with "Onsen powder". Ah~ relax.
For a while I have to focus on my art work for the show, especially since we will leave to France next week for Josh's business trip. So this house won't progress much. Also we don't have a telephone service yet. So I will update when I get a chance. See you then everybody.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Stayed at Frank Lloyd Wright house

We visit our friend in Chicago just few days after Christmas. It was very limited time. We only be able to see 10 percent of the people we wanted to see, and visited half of the places we wanted to visit. We will definitely visit again in summer.
Anyway, long story short, the friend we stayed with are now live in Frank Lloyd Wright house. The most famous Frank Lloyd Wright architecture in Japan is the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. We actually stayed at their old apartment where we stayed a month after the fire last year. But we hung out with them at the house. It was very interesting experience, especially because now we know little bit of building house. I had much much better impression than when I joined to the tour in Oak Park. It have lots of Japanese taste and height like Japanese house. It gave me nostalgie. Like the photo above is like a entrance of my grand mother's house.


とにかく、かくかくしかじか、実のところ今友達がフランクロイドライトの家に住んでいます。そうです、あの帝国ホテルのフランク ロイド ライト!ま、実際のところ、私たちは去年火事にあった頃に彼らが住んでいたアパートに泊まっていたのですが、毎日遊びにいって、満喫してきました。以前と違い、私たちも家作りを経験しているので、どんな風に建てているかや、どんな風に設計しているかなどが何となくわかり、以前オークパークのライトのスタジオツアーに参加したときよりも、ずっとずっと楽しめた。貴重な体験をさせてもらいました。どの部屋に行っても、なるほど〜、あ〜そうするか〜と関心。彼の建築はかなり日本の影響が見えて、私にとっては日本の部屋のように天井の低い落ち着いた懐かしい感じのする家でした。この上の写真なんて、おばあちゃん家の玄関を彷彿とさせる。

Like any other of his work, this house constructed with lots of middle floor rooms. All room have a windows at least on the corner, and balcony. So you can enjoy all different view and height each room. Also especially the balconies are on the corners. So you are not looking into neighbors window directly. Rooms are not so big, just perfect cozy size. And looks like all room have different theme. Like the one above looks for me almost like a lighthouse. There are windows all 360 degree in this room. I liked how he treated all details with his taste. From door handles, locks, storm doors, and to just simple hooks all fits perfect each other. Even kitchen stove, bath tub, and toilet are square and Frank Lloyd Wrightish. Or are they he designed??

This table she uses for the computer table reminds me of "Wadansu(和箪笥)". There is a Japanese tea room looking small building in the garden. But you can't just walk straight there. The path he made mades us walk around, so people can enjoy the garden from different angles. Like the pine tree in Katsurarikyu, an imperial villa in Kyoto. Actually the Japanese tea room looking room was not a tea room. It is a big hot bath tub room like "Sento(public bath)", or "Onsen(spa)". This life is impressive. You can open the Shoji walls, and be able to enjoy outside when you taking bath.
The big part of this short trip is not only to see friends, but also to go Mitsuwa, the Japanese super market, and IKEA to buy house stuffs, and etc. I finally got a rice cooker, and takoyaki plate! I didn't know you can cook so many things with rice cooker now a days. I can even make own tofu. Really!? I can't wait to have my own kitchen. When you come to visit us, I will cook takoyaki for you! Yam!


Happy New Year!

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a nice holy day.
We had a lot of nice big changes in 2011. But also it was a little bit frustrated year, because of the environment that we don't have a studio, and not having our own house. However, I know this 2012 would be a very good year for us. Actually as a beginning of the year news, Josh will have a debut of French edition of "Skyscraper of the Midwest" soon in France. I will have a solo show in Kansas city on March. It will be a happy busy start for both of us!
We are painting the house now, and plan to move in this weekend! I don't want to say out loud, since it always postpone. But why not, it's a new year. I think we accomplished pretty well on 2011. Still there are lots of more things we need to do on 2012. The day we will open the boxes that had been kept closed since the fire last year would be like an another Christmas. I can't wait!!!
We can't see most of you so easy, but wishing 2012 will be a very happy year for all of you.
私たちにとって、2011年はうれしい変化のたくさんあった年になりました。と同時にこんなに長い間作業場のない環境と、自分たちだけの落ち着ける家がないという状況でかなりやきもきした一年でもありました。こんなに我慢したし、2012年はかなりいい年になるはず!とりあえず、今年最初の近況報告として、ジョッシュのSkyscraper of the Midwestのフランス版がもうじきでます。デビューのサイン会などをかねて初めてのフランスへのビジネス旅行に今月末出発。もちろん私もついていきます。そして、私は3月にカンザスシティーで個展があります。あ〜あせる。早く作業場の環境も整えなければ。うれしくも忙しい走り出しになりそう。