Friday, April 20, 2012

Finally we got a kitchen sink!

The last delivery of the counter top, we found out the biggest part of the counter top was damaged. We waited almost a month for them to make a new one. Since it was the corner piece, and very long. It separated for 3 pieces. First we tried to lay on the cabinet to see if it fits. Actually it didn't fit. I guess the template we sent back to them didn't really work. We needed to cut the smallest piece by ourselves. Well, it's ok. We could cut to the part it touch to the wall. So we can hide non-straight cut by calk. Then the smaller corner piece fits, but it's very tight in between wall and stove. We were planning to move the stove, refrigerator, and small counter between stove and fridge.
Now we have to attach this three pieces together with cramp and glue they sent us together. Screw the cramps in the back side, and after glowed and cramp together, we still be able to adjust the height of both boards.
After it became one big piece, it was pretty heavy. We wait for Josh to come back, and moved the stove, and finally stetted on the cabinets. Oh no! I guess our wall wasn't exactly straight. The edge is sticking out to the area the stone comes quarter inch more than we expected. We can't move refrigerator that much in order to open the door. Hmmm, this edge was finished edge, but what can we do. We just need to cut here as straight as possible. Fortunately you can't really see here because the stove is really tight touching.
They pre-cutted sink hall. So after we set this nice counter top, we just needed to hammer it out. Ah, it is so nice to have a sink in the kitchen. We don't need to go bathroom to wash dishes, clean vegetables, and drain hot water. Now our life is so much easier than before....

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