We started north side east part yesterday. We already have a measurement for studs since it is same with south gable. Should be easy. Then we found that there is a mysterious 1/4" in one stud. When we measure very first piece of south gable we haven't quite figured out how to measure. First stub was 1/4" longer than it should be. It doesn't look bending, so it is ok. But end of yesterday we discussed we should go with right hight, or make it symmetry with south gable. We decided to make symmetry, and cut last corner. But it didn't look like what we expected to see, so we quit.
Changed our feeling, and start from putting them together. It was very very hazy day. There are so many spider web visible today. The spider we have here make very fine layer on the ground. These looks like puddles.
昨日と気持ちを切り替え、組み立てるところから始める。早朝ものすごい霧がでている。水滴のせいかやたらとクモの巣が目に入る。 ここのクモは地面すれすれに細かい線を一面に張り巡らし幕を作る。いっぱいあって水たまりにも見える。

Anyway, we finished east side, and finish build middle. Hopefully we can stand this easy, and finish last part tomorrow.

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