There was heat alert here this couple of days. Afternoon is too hot to work. So today we started to wake up 5 am for change. When we woke up it was still completely dark... But when we were ready, the sun started rising. We had very nice long morning. We finished this guest room, and dining room. In this corner, there is a closet, door for the bathroom, door for guest room, and door for another small closet. Even if it is a small wall, there are some boxes for walls that against this wall, some doors. Also we had entrance wall measurement different from the number that written on blue print. These were enough to confuse us. This small section took forever to build. We were trying to figure out from the blue print. But realize the difference from reality. Eventually, we just measure the floor, and build as it goes. It was a nice feeling that walls tie together perfect.
ここしばらくheat alert(熱中症日射病警報?)がでていて、午後は暑すぎて働けない。なので、試しに今日から一時間早めて5時起きで活動してみた。今アメリカはサマータイムで一時間早めているので、本当は4時起き!そら起きたとき真っ暗なはず。でも、いろいろと準備をしているうちに夜が明けてきた。涼しい午前中が長くてなかなかよい。このゲストルームとダイニング完成。この小さなコーナーにクローゼット、ゲストルームへのドア、お風呂場へのドア、リネンクローゼットのドアがある。この小さなセクションにドア2つと壁を取り付けるためのボックスをいくつか作らないといけない。しかも玄関のクローゼットをブループリント通りに作っていないと気付く。ブループリントから割り出そうとして、現実とのギャップに唖然。しばらくああしてこうしたものの結局実際のフロアを測って作った。その後全部の壁が割とぴったりと合っていい感じ。

This is dining, and door to the mud room. We got a wall next to the stairway. We spent long time for this stairway with trial and error, error, error. It fits good now!
And this is an entrance to this bathroom.

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