Bob and me continue putting floor boards. About to finish south side master bedroom floor, we run out of glue. We need to go to town. KFC in Maryville has buffet. I have never see a KFC like that in the U.S and in Japan. They have gizzard fry too. Recently it is very foggy around here. The camera lends get cloudy too. Josh and Bob often trouble seeing things with limited view by fog on their eye glasses and sweat in their eyes. But they have a sense to find something moving. They both found a deer with beautiful big antlers in different day. It was very misterious walking the field in daytime between our neighbor Mr. and Mrs Cows. Reminds of me of "Deidarabocchi" in the movie "Princess of Mononoke". Please don't hunt him.

We got ceiling at this guest room, entrance, and almost all of kitchen.

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