I knew it will take time to start, but phew~ it took forever to figure out. Today' s work is just part of gable... Well, at least we figured it out. Our roof will be 12/ 12 which means that go 12 flat and go up 12. So it is 45 degree roof. First, to brain storm, and to visualize little bit better, we made a rafter pattern. This will be after walls, but we need to cut rafter 45 degree angle for both side, and birds-mouth cut that cut out a pocket to sit on 2x6 board. The reason we made the pattern first because this roof will be few inches over from the side on the level of 2nd floor. So to make a gable we need to figure out how long is the smallest stud starts. We figured out this invisible corner point, and made a big 45 45 90 triangle chalk line. Then top plate will be inside of this line. The length of studs will be that between bottom line and angle line minus bottom plate thickness minus thickness of angle 2x6. Thank you for reading this. I know this is hard to read. But maybe you can get the feeling how we were confused. We should've just measure the line we draw. But since we weren't sure that would be perfect straight, tried to calculate the number. Of course we mistook several times, and finally about to succeed one stud, Dick came over again. He told us "just measure with framing square and tape measure". I guess... that's the easiest way. Well we know it now. After 2 and half hours, we only had bottom plate lay on the floor and few chalk lines. It took hours to make this simple triangle... But we did it! We nailed first studs two of them side ways to make the corner stronger.

First time when you see this 45 roof stands up, it's soooo high and steep! Holy Moly the peak will be 3 feet higher from this!

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