It was very hot day today. Morning weather report said it will be 102 Fahrenheit. People says very hot. But I'm still not used to Fahrenheit. Just guessed like if it is Celsius, 100 degree is the temperature that water boils. Sounds very hot. But actually it is about 39 Celsius. It is hot. More than body temperature. This is what my father told me when I was kid that to ware long sleeve if the temperature is higher than your body to make shadow around you. But then sweat annoys me as well. So I decided to wear fast dry sport T-shirt that my parents sent to me recently. Phew it is sporty. I was a little bit embarrass from this bright color. But maybe this T-shirt works. I felt flesh except sawdust all over me compare to Josh and Bob.
Anyway, we got all rim board, and more out side walls. It is a lot of work to put up top walls. I am worry about putting floor board up to second floor...
猛暑です。朝の天気予報では華氏102度 になると。未だに華氏になれていないので、もひとつみんなと一緒に「それは暑い。」と言って楽しめないのですが、摂氏で100度だとお湯が沸くという感覚で「 それは暑いやろうな〜。」と参加してみる。実際は摂氏39度。昔お父さんに「気温が体温以上になったら長袖を着て影を作らなあかん。」と言われたのを思い出すが、汗で体にまとわりつく長袖はそれに負けず劣らずうっとうしい。結局最近親に送ってもらったドライTシャツを着てみることに。えらくスポーティーでやたら派手でちょっと恥ずかしい。が、これは効き目があるのかも。ほかの二人に比べると体中を覆うおがくずを除き、なんだか一人だけさわやかな気がする。
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