Before lunch we thought about other place that is complicated for us, which is north side of the porch under the floor. It's such a small place, but I wanted to make it right. I fake pretty well using one panel, and half panel, then that will bring next bottom right on the porch. Before the lunch we tried several ways to figure out how to bring the starter as closer as we can to the porch floor. In the afternoon, I went back alone, and thought through.... Eureka! I know what to do. I leave first row of siding face down to the floor. Then nail starter right on there. Then pull the siding up. This bring first bottom right on the floor. But here is the problem, if the piece is too short, it's too hard to bend the side and force in to the corner piece. So this is what I did. I cut first line shorter the width it can lay down. This makes easier to bend to put it into the place. But I can see the very first one is shorter than it supposed to be. I thought nobody notice unless I tell that person. However, Josh realized it..... His eye sight is not wonderful, but he see these things....


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