We started this week from thick foggy morning. To make us feel better, we decided to work on this front gable. We used 1x6 for the facia board on over hung. But the part where nail to wall is 2x4. So the F-channel for the soffit will come lower than the 2x4. Then the J-channel that will hold angle part of siding comes right under F-channel. We will switch dutch style siding to scale shape siding the one like used on Moomin's house only for this west gable top part. The color will be grayish blue, same color with corner piece and around window. So we decided to use beige color for the J channel on the gable. When we attach both F and J-channel on north side of west gable, we found small..., actually not so small gap on the corner where the F and J-channel meet porch side wall. Well, to be honest we knew there is a gap, but just ignored at the time. Now we are in the stage we need to do something, otherwise the water will go inside of that wall through F, J-channel. We decided to put metal sheet there, but unfortunately it was not just a hole, but also 2x4 is sticking out there. First we tried without taking anything off. Ah, but eventually we took off inside corner and F-channel we just nailed, and start over. Well, after all I think we did good job covering the gap. No worries anymore... for now.

In the afternoon, I continued soffit on east side. Wow, looks good.

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