It will be pretty cold this next couple of days. Also electrician John is going to start some work soon. So we decided to go back to work on stairs today. And if we can finish rest of inside walls in this week, we can ask other plumbing, heater people to come in to start. The request from most of them was that at least to have stairs. We cut the board that already had cutting line. And put that on another board to trace. Then realize how much bowed this first wood was... So we nailed to the next wood to keep it force straight, and traced it. Since first board was so badly bowed, we decided to cut 3 more, and not to use that first one. We didn't want to make copy of copy. But at the same time, I thought that if every time when we try to force the first wood straight to trace, it would be difficult to make them same shape. So other two boards are copy of the second one.

While we were working on stairs, John worked on setting breaker in our basement. From this inside breaker box, the wire continue to outside box. Then it will connect to the main
transmitter through underground.

In the afternoon, I finally finished the siding on the porch! Hmmm, it looks good.

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