Today we started from an easy wall, just square to divided from stair hall way. Yes it was too smooth for us. About to stand all walls we had made include second floor bath room door wall, entertainment door wall, and this square wall we just made, we found one mistake. Of course. We made this square wall too long. So we cut and fixed it, and ready to attach to other wall. Then we found another mistake. The entertainment door we made was too close to inside corner. There are no place for the trim. We just thought through outside wall when we made it.... So we cut nails and redo the rough opening for the door again. This time we measure wall thickness which is 3 1/2" + 3" which is about a trim size, that is the place where starts rough opening. Mark it, and nail it. Hmmm, something is not right. Now it is too close to the other side. We sat down and scratch our head. Is this mean we can't have this size door?? Then we found the place we mark was right, but the place we set wasn't right. So we cut the nails and redo it. Deja vu...

After all of our struggling, we did it! To be honest I liked that open space in up stairs we had, but I like this hallways and rooms more. Our entertainment room was 9" smaller than we planed accidentally, but it is bigger than we thought we need. Bathroom is not too compact and comfortable size.

We even started our master bed room wall, too. We accomplished a lot today.
By the way, this 365 days was so quick. Last October 24th, that's the day we had a fire, and lost our apartment in Chicago. Things changed, and it's getting better. Day before yesterday, we had a interview for my green card. We brought some evidence of our marriage, and realize we actually have some evidence not just history. It was kind a fun to tell our story with photos to somebody who don't know about us at all. It was like a small talk at a party to first met person, but lots of details enough for normal people to get annoyed.... maybe.