These days after lunch, I leave house together with the school bus driver (and the math teacher) Bob. In Japan we use public bus or bike or on foot to go to school. Actually in my case, my school was in walking distance except high school. So actually, I'm pretty enjoying this very short school bus ride. No eating candy, drinking pop allowed!
After facia, finally we could work on the porch a little. We use four posts on the floor. We will put 2x4 on front wall flush bottom with entrance ceiling height. Then will hung 2x4 from there level to the beam that we will make with 2x6 on top of posts. This will be our ceiling for the porch. So the posts should cut at the height of ceiling minus 5 1/2" which is width of 2x6-thickness of metal joint we need to use to make the posts stand. Then stand them nice and plumed with braces.
We couldn't put top beam today, but I still can work for the floor in the afternoon. Getting close.
鼻隠しの板が終わった後、少しポーチの作業を進めることができた。床の上には柱を4本立てる。玄関の天井とポーチの天井が同じ高さで続くようにする。ので、玄関の天井と同じ高さで2x4を打ち付け、そこから2x4のジョイストをつけていく要領でこれから2x6で作る柱の上の桁の上に水平にのるようにする計画。なので、柱を天井の高さー5 1/2インチ(2x6の幅)ー取り付けのための金具の厚みで切る。柱を垂直で固定するところまで今日はできた。