Our valuable weekend was ruined by rain.... The roofing people was going to finish on Sunday, but too much rain. We had our cat throw walking vomit up, I mean worms, on Saturday night. So we brought them to vet for the first time on Sunday. So we only could work tiny bit. Then Monday today, this thick fog in the morning. However it clear up later on, and turned out beautiful day.

We worked on inside hall way wall. We have closet here. The plan we have and actual room was different. So we remeasure the boards we marked yesterday. The caller tie we nailed was too low. There is no room for 2x4 as a top plate on the wall. But that's not a big deal. We will use 2 layer of OSB instead. We made this piece in two parts. We stand this wall against the corner of rafter and caller tie, and made it plumb. However...... in some reason, when we stand second part up parallel all the way with the knee wall, we couldn't make plumb. So we cut the corner of the board on top of the wall little by little until the wall get plumb.

After the porch floor, my afternoon project is to make a bathroom window out of wine glasses. This few days I'm keep carving 2x4 for the place for wine bottle to sit.

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