They started from second floor ceiling. Everybody have long stool they can use. This heavy sheetrock looks light like plastic board. While I was blinking they finished second floor ceiling, start work on first floor ceiling. And then start working on walls.
This is master bedroom looking at study area. And then started this dining area with scaffolding. They don't wast any time.
They just pass this heavy sheetrock like a paper. If we were doing this, we would spend whole morning just to think how to carry this sheetrock up. After they cover everything, they use drill to cut along the windows, doors, and electricity boxes. The people who knows what they are doing knows right tools for right place.
The stool they have is such a useful for lots of places. Each legs can extend, so it can adjust for the situation like this, too. They complete the project by 3:30 in the afternoon. Very impress!

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