Today is the day... We are going to try this dining room ceiling, and see what we can do without scaffolding. First of all, before we put up air channel, we need to drill holes on blocking we did there. Before the OSB on the roof, the rafter was too flexible. To keep the rafter in position, we nailed this wood blocks in between each rafters about in center height of collar tie and wall. However it also block the air to go up. We thought this is the easiest part, but unfortunately it took forever. Working on this awkward position in lots of saw dust shooting his eyes made him cry. After the drill, we put up the air channel, and tried staple the insulation, too. This didn't go well. From this position, he won't reach to the top. Need to think better way. At least we did air channel.

While he is working on dining room, I was in a safe position. Sorry. I did entertainment room walls.

This is our first floor, basement gas furnace.

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