Sunday, May 27, 2012

We got a shower room

Finally we installed shower curtain for upstairs bathroom. So we can take quick shower instead of 30 minutes hot bath. Since one side of wall is angle we used wire cable for the curtain rod.


 Now we are making shelves in closets. We have 6 closets I want to make shelves. This three are the ones a little complicated. The photo above is the kitchen closet. This closet have a light. So shortest shelf on top to get light.
 The photo above is first floor bathroom closet. This is the first one we built. We had lots of OSB left, So we used OSB, but it looks so rough. To hide the edge we used trim and left over floor boards, but still it looks rough..... After this we got better boards to make other shelves.
The photo below is the closet in upstairs next to the bathroom. This will be the place we store a vacuum cleaner.
Now we only have one more closet left, which is my closet. It have a little entrance to access upstairs heating system. I would like to make that door as a secret shelf door. It would be complicated for me, so I'm just waiting for me to be brave to start....

Finally we got gutter!

 The first time we contacted gutter guy was back in last winter. He told us gutter should be build when the weather is mild. So, we waited for a months, and contacted him again. He was still busy from the storm last fall. Then we waited for a while again to get the color we ordered. However once he started in the site, it went so quick.
 He came with tree clues with this truck. It was actually his workshop. Had a machine in the middle, and shelves on sides.
 They measure the longs, and shape it with the machine in the site. So you can get as long as you want with seamless.

Time capsule

For the anniversary of our second year, we hide a time capsule. I always like the idea that leaving message for future. Actually this is my third time capsule since when I was kid. Other two were already under the light, I couldn't even wait for 5 years. Other two the little me hid in the past were that most of people may consider as garbages. But this time, I'm serious. We put several family photos that could truck us. And letters for each other, and for kids we haven't seen. If someday one of our descendant want to sell this place, and find this time capsule, then he or she would decided to keep our important place for the families.

 We also planted our second anniversary tree, another cherry blossom.
Hoping someday our driveway will be like this....

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Family visited from Japan!

My family was visited us from Japan! My grandma always says I want to visit you before I die, and she made it! And she is still healthy. 
You might think there is nothing to visit around here. But we have nice places to visit. This is one of the place I always wanted to go. And since they are here, finally I got to go too. Another small town (well not like Barnard, though) called Jamesport. There is an amish community in this town. Also lots of small antique stores. It is interesting that people still use horse wagon to go everywhere. We saw even little boys had their own little pony and little wagon. You shouldn't take photo of them, so you need you visit in person. It's one of the valuable things that you are traveling in real.
 This is an amish glossary store. They had lots of pre-mixed food bags, dried fruits, vegetable chips. It almost looks like ceramics store that sell glaze materials.

 We had too many things to see..... in this short stay. So we took easy and had picnic with nuts and chips we got from amish place. Hmm yammy. They brought bunch of shrine and temple related things and lucky charms for my life, family, business, age, etc. Thank you! We hope you enjoyed here.

Stair ways

 These days I 'm stain and burnishing bunch of things. Tried to finish stair way railed before my family come to visit us. Well, at least  for the steps. We couldn't get a long enough rail for the steps, so we attached two rails in the middle with screw in inside. We used thick metal plate to attach bigger main poles. Then screw the rail to them with big screws. Balusters are much lighter attached. We drilled holes on steps. Then glued the knob on the bottom of balusters and toe nailed the top to the groove under the rail. Then nailed thin flat small pieces underneath in between balusters to hide the edge.

I sounds easy, but In some reason it took forever like as always. First of all, we installed the big poles and rail in the height that we measure from the height of balusters. By the time we installed baluster we realized it was too high. What happen!? And it supposed to be a same angle all the way, but it was steep than steps.... We couldn't figure out why with out brain, so we just remeasure, recut according to the balusters on the bottom, middle, and top steps. Eventually we got this nice looking stair rail! Now my grandma can go up and down this steps.
We couldn't start this hallway rail by the time my family came. But finally we got this rail that reach without attaching in middle. The side that connect to the bedroom wall, we used big post, but half thickness of the ones we used to steps. Since we are going to attach balusters on laminate floor, we made little bit bigger hole on laminate floor for each balusters. And glue only on OSB floor. So the laminate floor can move like it supposed to be.