Hello everyone! I hope you all had a nice holy day.
We had a lot of nice big changes in 2011. But also it was a little bit frustrated year, because of the environment that we don't have a studio, and not having our own house. However, I know this 2012 would be a very good year for us. Actually as a beginning of the year news, Josh will have a debut of French edition of "Skyscraper of the Midwest" soon in France. I will have a solo show in Kansas city on March. It will be a happy busy start for both of us!
We are painting the house now, and plan to move in this weekend! I don't want to say out loud, since it always postpone. But why not, it's a new year. I think we accomplished pretty well on 2011. Still there are lots of more things we need to do on 2012. The day we will open the boxes that had been kept closed since the fire last year would be like an another Christmas. I can't wait!!!
We can't see most of you so easy, but wishing 2012 will be a very happy year for all of you.
私たちにとって、2011年はうれしい変化のたくさんあった年になりました。と同時にこんなに長い間作業場のない環境と、自分たちだけの落ち着ける家がないという状況でかなりやきもきした一年でもありました。こんなに我慢したし、2012年はかなりいい年になるはず!とりあえず、今年最初の近況報告として、ジョッシュのSkyscraper of the Midwestのフランス版がもうじきでます。デビューのサイン会などをかねて初めてのフランスへのビジネス旅行に今月末出発。もちろん私もついていきます。そして、私は3月にカンザスシティーで個展があります。あ〜あせる。早く作業場の環境も整えなければ。うれしくも忙しい走り出しになりそう。
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